GPS-WAAS Receiver
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GPS-WAAS Receiver - 1

GPS-WAAS Receiver Latest technology Easy installation GPS-WAAS Receiver Meets requirements for primary navigation receiver for enroute and approach guidance Latest Technology: TSO-C145b BETA 3 for LPV approaches. Lightweight: Less than 1.0 lb. Compact: 1.4”H x 2.6”W x 4.0”D. Easy installation: Stand alone or display integrated. Greater precision The GPS-WAAS receiver from Genesys Aerosystems utilizes the signals coming from Global Positioning System (GPS) Satellite Constellation and Satellite-Based Augmentation System (SBAS) such as WAAS or EGNOS. The primary function of the unit is to compute the Position, Velocity of an aircraft, and the Precise Time (PVT). It also computes the integrity of the PVT from the SBAS signal, if available. The GPS detects and excludes failed satellites (FD/FDE) using Receiver Autonomous Integrity Monitoring (RAIM) algorithm, whenever there are enough number of satellites, regardless of SBAS availabili

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GPS-WAAS Receiver - 2

Copyright © 2014 Genesys Aerosystems. All rights reserved. GPS-WAAS Receiver A Global Positioning Receiver (GPS) combined with the unparalleled accuracy and integrity monitoring of Wide Area Augmentation System (WAAS) GPS-WAAS Specifications GPS Type: C/A code Sensor with WAAS capability Conformity: No. of Channels: Total: 15 (GPS: 12 WAAS: 3) Architecture: Digital Signal Processor with FPGA and RF Front-end Measurement Accuracy: Receiver noise per DO-229D Time: Update Rate: Speed, acceleration and jerk per DO-229D requirements for en-route, terminal, non-precision approach and precision...

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