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LDP/N - 1

WOJSKOWE CENTRALNE BIURO KONSTRUKCYJNO - TECHNOLOGICZNE S.A. 00-908 WARSZAWA ul. Gen. Sylwestra KALISKIEGO 2 POLAND Tel.: +48 22 683-94-91; Fax: +48 22 666 81 62, +48 22 683 72 14 http://www.wcbkt.pl; e-mail: poczta@wcbkt.pl LDP/N Aircraft Air Distributor is designed to replenish compressed air reserve in the aircraft pneumatic system. LDP/N consists of two main sections: • special biaxial chassis with tow, • enclosed main body comprising all systems and subassemblies needed for the process of air storage, purification, drying and delivery. It is also equipped with basic service equipment. Distribution system includes: • air system, comprising inlet line filling cylinders from an external source of compressed air, • output line designed for compressed air distribution, • bank of 20 gas cylinders for compressed air storage. LDP/N is designed for air transport by the CASA C-295 M or other tactical transport aircraft and can be towed on airfield taxi ways with maximum speed of 15 km/h. LDP/N electrical system is powered from a 12V DC battery. Operating conditions: LDP/N distributor can be used in open terrain under the following climatic conditions: • operating temperature range - 30°C - +55° C • max operating relative humidity - 98% at temp. of +25°C

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LDP/N - 2

WOJSKOWE CENTRALNE BIURO KONSTRUKCYJNO - TECHNOLOGICZNE S.A. 00-908 WARSZAWA ul. Gen. Sylwestra KALISKIEGO 2 POLAND Tel. +48 22 683-94-91; Fax +48 22 666 81 62, +48 22 683 72 14 http://www.wcbkt.pl; e-mail: poczta@wcbkt.pl AIRCRAFT AIR DISTRIBUTOR LDP/N Air installation parameters: · of gas type compressed air in compliance with PN-91/L-01261 · temperature of delivered air (ambient +50°C): max +70°C · number of gas cylinders 20 pcs. (5 groups, 4 each) · cylinder capacity 50 dm 3 each 3 · reserve in gas cylinder at pressure of 35 MPa: air 350 dm (425 kg) · cylinder pressure max 35 MPa ·...

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Alle Kataloge und technischen Broschüren von WCBKT S.A.

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  10. LZH/M

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  11. STELLA

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  12. ATHOS

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