VisualDOC ANSYS Coupling
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VisualDOC ANSYS Coupling - 1 Basic Concepts and Steps • Regard the ANSYS analysis as a blackbox • Specify the parameters with ANSYS Workbench • Call ANSYS from VisualDOC, extract variables from the parameter-set and classify the parameters into input and output files • Run optimization, ANSYS Workbench will be executed in the batch mode • Plot design history with concurrent monitors Optimization Settings • Objective: Maximize lift-to-drag ratio • Constraints: Stress and deflection • Design variables: Geometrical dimensions Optimization Result Wing Shape Optimization Problem Setup and Parametrization ANSYS Workbench VisualDOC Workflow and Data Exchange Optimization History Plot Optimization History Plot Optimization History

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VisualDOC ANSYS Coupling - 2

VR&D Products GENESIS - Structural Analysis & Optimization DOT - Design Optimization Tools GENESIS is a fully integrated finite element analysis and design optimization software package. Analyses include static, normal modes, direct and modal frequency analysis, heat transfer and system buckling. Design optimization is based on the advanced approximation concepts approach to find an optimum design efficiently and reliably. Actual optimization is performed by the well established DOT and BIGDOT optimizers, also from VR&D. Design capabilities include: topology, shape, sizing, topography,...

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