Spy Owl 200 - Professional Surveillance Version
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Spy Owl 200 - Professional Surveillance Version - 1

Spy Owl 200 Professional Surveillance Version Solution We offer a complete Unmanned Aircraft System (UAS) portable solution which contains all the parts needed for your surveillance applications. The package consists of one (1) full composite fixed wing airframe fully installed with retractable gyro stabilized combined EO/IR gimbal, autopilot, laser altitude meter, data link, video link, engine, ESC, two (2) hour propulsion battery, professional servos and the well proven Portable GCS with the SkyView GCS Operator software. The solution is aimed specifically for surveillance applications and is very cost-effective. This is achieved through agile and responsive development, which gives customers most value for the money. Airframe The fully composite fixed wing airframe is a small unmanned aircraft specially designed to be operated in surveillance missions. It is fitted with a long endurance electric motor and can be hand launched and recovered on any flat terrain. Gyro stabilized combined EO/IR gimbal The aircraft is supplied with a ready to use retractable gyro stabilized combined EO/IR gimbal. Stabilizes video, dramatically reducing unwanted horizontal, vertical, and rotational motion. Video link (best configuration) up to 50 km LOS is included. Autopilot - EasyPilot 3.0 The included autopilot, SkyView EasyPilot 3.0, contains all components necessary to control the vehicle, including GPS navigation, IMU, expansion ports. Full automatic start and landing capability. Portable GCS with SkyView GCS software Portable GCS is a easy to use rugged Ground Control Station computer equipped with sun-readable display. The included SkyView GCS Operator software together with the EasyPilot 3.0 does all the background processing needed to fly the vehicle. sales@uas-europe.com - www.uas-europe.se - +46 (0)13 - 560 22 40 UAS Europe AB - Torvingegatan 13 - SE582 78 Linköping - Sweden Copyright © 2017 UAS Europe AB

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Spy Owl 200 - Professional Surveillance Version - 2

Spy Owl 200 Professional Surveillance Version Specifications 1 x Unmanned Aircraft • • • • • • • • • • • • Wing span: 2.01 m (79.1 inches) Length: 1.53 m (60.2 inches) Cruise Airspeed: 14 - 22 m/s (50 - 79 km/h or 27 – 43 knots) Maximum Airspeed: 40 m/s (144 km/h or 78 knots) MTOW - Hand Launched: 6.5 kg (14.3 lbs.) Endurance: Standard up to 2 hours. Optionally up to 3 hours with extra long endurance battery Max payload including batteries: 2.7 kg (5.9 lbs.) Typical mission altitude 75-1500 m AGL Very robust composite structure Hand launched Belly landing Laser altitude meter for accurate...

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