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Newsletter 02
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Newsletter 02 - 1

Designer , manufacturer and supplier of turn key Cargo Handling Systems & Ground Support Equipment specialized for air cargo Your key partner in added logistic value Slave pallet system By using the Pallet Master, slave pallets can dock with existing conveyor systems with e.g. dolly docks and truck docks at standard 508 mm / 20 inch dolly height By using multiple slave pallets, a dedicated conveyor system can be set up in virtually any configuration Building and breaking of air cargo pallets at any place in your warehouse. In an ideal situation as close as possible to loose cargo racking to reduce use of forklift trucks Low energy consumption in comparison to fixed roller conveyor systems Easily expandable in case of increased capacity requirements The order of loading ULD’s into trucks can easily be changed Flexible and cost effective cargo handling system for air cargo pallets and containers (ULD’s) Suitable for extension of existing fixed conveyor and storage systems The system can be used for large capacities in relatively small areas Slave pallets can be reached from all four sides for safe and easy building up to a height of 1,500 mm In case slave pallets are not used, they can be stacked by using a forklift truck to save expensive handling space ULD’s: Maximum 10 ft. “winged pallets” (96 inch x 125 inch), 15,000 lbs / 6,800 kg System can fully integrate with previously manufactured Slave Master, Pallet Mover and ACEquip Cargo systems Full spares and product support from SACO and our Service Points SACO Airport Equipment B.V., Industrieweg 2, 5731 HR Mierlo, The Netherlands. Phone: +31(0)492 – 430059 Fax: +31 (0)492-432713 Email

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Newsletter 02 - 2

Your key partner in added logistic value SPECIFICATIONS Pallet Master • • • • • • • • • • • Specially purpose designed for the manoeuvring of air cargo ULD’s on slave pallets Two standard versions are available: o ”pedestrian” version for walking operator, fitted with tiller arm for steering o ”ride-on” version for riding operator, fitted with power steering Rugged but straight forward design for ease of maintenance Low maintenance costs. Robust and stable chassis and lift frame to ensure stable horizontal load at all times. Expected life time before major refurbishment is 10 - 15 years in...

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Alle Kataloge und technischen Broschüren von SACO AIRPORT EQUIPMENT

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  3. Newsletter 09

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  4. Newsletter 08

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  5. Newsletter 07

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  6. Newsletter 06

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  7. Newsletter 05

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  8. Newsletter 04

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  9. Newsletter 03

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  10. Newsletter 01

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