ProMetric I Imaging Colorimeter
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ProMetric I Imaging Colorimeter - 1

ProMetric® I Imaging Colorimeter The world’s fastest and most accurate high-resolution imaging colorimeter ProMetric I is designed to address the demands for high-volume manufacturing of displays, backlit components, light sources, and electronic devices. Whether expanding test coverage or increasing throughput, ProMetric I delivers the required performance for highly accurate color and luminance measurements in an automated manufacturing environment. ProMetric I is designed around scientific-grade image sensors in a range of high-resolution options. These sensors enable pixel-level measurements of displays (LCD, OLED), inter- and intra-character luminance measurements on backlit keyboards and panels, and accurate measurements of LED luminance and color in luminaires with large LED arrays. Purpose-built for manufacturing test of displays, illuminated keyboards, and surfaces. ProMetric I Highlights • Optimized for speed, resolution, and measurement accuracy • Delivers color and light measurements that are precisely correlated with human visual perception • Tristimulus color filters with innately close match to CIE color-matching functions • Multiple lens choices with Smart Calibration™ for a wide range of focus and aperture settings • Flexible system, capable of addressing multiple applications for lit and non-lit components • Seamless integration with TrueTest™ Automated Visual Inspection Software and specialized software packages ProMetric I incorporates Smart Technology™ innovations, which simplify setup and ensure accurate measurement results. • Smart Control™ for fast, precise setup: Smart Control allows users to electronically adjust both focus and aperture settings of the lens from software. • Smart Touch™ for ease of use: Smart Touch provides a touchscreen display interface that supports measurement setup, data acquisition, and measurement review on the imaging colorimeter. • Smart Calibration™ for accuracy: Smart Calibration monitors lens focal distance and aperture settings and automatically applies the correct flat-field calibration. A production line is a harsh environment and reliable communications can be a challenge. ProMetric I supports USB and/or Ethernet communications, providing highly reliable operation over long distances, even in the most demanding manufacturing environments. ProMetric I comes standard with ProMetric Software to operate the colorimeter in a manual mode or to support programming via an API. ProMetric I is optimized for automation via optional TrueTest™ Automated Visual Inspection Software and a range of application-specific software modules. TrueTest Software provides a complete, turnkey solution for production-level test sequencing using a library of light measurement and inspection software tools. From absolute accuracy in product design to optimal efficiency in light and color quality control on the line, ProMetric I is designed specifically for your application. Radiant Vision Systems 18640 NE 67th Ct. Redmond, WA 98052 USA General Inquiries: Technical Support: Website: Copyright © 2022 Radiant Vision Systems LL

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ProMetric I Imaging Colorimeter - 2

Specifications Parameter Primary Application Sensor Pixel Resolution Production, Display Testing, Pixel-level Measurement, Color Correction Sensor Megapixels Sensor Type System Dynamic Range (single exposure, per pixel) Luminance (Minimum)* Luminance (Maximum) 1010 cd/m2 with optional ND filters System Accuracy** Illuminance ± 3%; Luminance (Y) ± 3%; Color Coordinates (x,y) ± 0.003 Short-term Repeatability* Illuminance ± 0.02%; Luminance (Y) ± 0.02%; Color Coordinates (x,y) ± 0.00005 Lens Type Electronically controlled focus and aperture Focal Distances Available Field of View (Full Angle,...

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