Low-Cost, Castable Titanium Alloys
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Low-Cost, Castable Titanium Alloys - 1

Low-Cost, Castable Titanium AlloysHigh Strength and/or High DuctilityC ast Titanium Alloys - Mechanical Properties (typical) ® Materials by Design Background QuesTek computationally designed and developed three castable titanium alloys under U.S. Army-funded SBIR Phase I and II programs to incorporate lower-cost raw materials and exhibit greater strength and/or ductility than Ti-6-4. Description Three new titanium alloys tentatively named QT-Ti-1A, QT-Ti-2A, and QT-Ti-2B were designed for both performance and economy, by: i. capturing the benefits of near-net-shape casting for manufacturing; ii. containing less vanadium than Ti-6-4; iii. having higher tolerance to oxygen and iron than Ti-6-4; and iv. being able to use significant amounts of Ti-6-4 scrap as input stock. QT-Ti-1A (see blue star below) offers ~25 ksi greater UTS and ~2.5% greater elongation than cast Ti-6-4 (i.e. to “QT cast Ti-6-4” which was produced in the same manner as the three new alloys). QT-Ti-1A is expected to be the first of th ese alloys to be commercialized, and can be considered for example to: i. replace cast Ti-6-4 to increase a part’s durability or reduce its weight; ii. replace wrought Ti-6-4 to reduce costs; or iii. replace Ti-6242 in high-temperature applications to reduce costs. RT Strength - Elongation Comparison (data from prototype wedge castings) Reference data from: Nastac, L. etal, “Advances in investment casting of Ti-6Al-4V alloy: a review”, Int. J. of Cast Metals Research, 2006 Vol. 19 No. 2 For additional information regarding QuesTek’s castable titanium alloys email info@questekcom or call 847-425-5800.

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Low-Cost, Castable Titanium Alloys - 2

High Temperature Strength - Elongation Comparison QT-Ti-1A exhibits higher strength and elongation than Ti-6242 up to 800°F. Ti-6242 reference data from Aerospace Structural Metals Database Key Design Features The new alloys utilize a refined, interweaving α/β microstructure which can be achieved at cooling rates representative of conventional commercial processes. This microstructure yields higher strength/toughness characteristics than the parallel α laths found in Ti-6-4. Material and Licensing Availability QuesTek is currently seeking initial product applications for QT-Ti-1A, and is...

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