LaserSnake - Nuclear Decommissioning
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LaserSnake - Nuclear Decommissioning - 1

Nuclear decommissioning case study: LaserSnake Snake-arm robot and high-power laser integration OC Robotics and TWI Ltd have combined a snake-arm robot with a 5kW laser to enable a selective, remote-controlled approach to dismantling and decommissioning complex structures in hazardous and confined nuclear environments. Objectives Integrate a high powered laser with a snakearm robot to demonstrate: Remote single-sided cutting using a fibre laser Non-mechanical, non-contact cutting process Business case Image courtesy of Sellafield Ltd Decommissioning of nuclear facilities represents a critical long-term challenge to the industry. Cutting access holes in confined spaces Remote single-sided cutting of vessels, support structures, flasks and pipe work is a basic, ubiquitous process. This technology is relevant to the global nuclear sector and other decommissioning and maintenance tasks in the petrochemical and processing sectors. Following a tool path precisely, required for laser cutting and other processes Nuclear cell to be decommissioned DESIGN Snake-arm A 2.5m long, 100mm diameter selfsupporting snake-arm robot with integrated navigation camera and lighting was adapted to carry the laser cutting head. Snake-arms have a hollow bore that can carry services such as a laser fibre. The snake-arm control system co-ordinates tip motion with the laser control to cut a variety of different substrates. Laser cutting head TWI Ltd investigated the laser’s cutting capabilities on materials and thicknesses representing pressure vessels, I beams, box structures and tubes. TWI Ltd has performed pioneering work in the use of lasers for nuclear decommissioning, enhancing the technology readiness level of laser cutting and laser scabbling. A snake-arm robot inside a congested environment Operation Operating in a mock-up through a 1m long, 200mm diameter penetration, LaserSnake avoided obstacles and cut a hole in a wall to allow access beyond — in order to reach and cut the primary target. After nose-following through the new access hole, pre-programmed cutting paths were used to cut the target pipe. Steel and concrete cut using LaserSnake cutting head Nuclear applications Laser cutting results TWI Ltd demonstrated the laser cutting process capabilities to dismantle: LaserSnake cutting a pipe after cutting an access hole Conclusion The LaserSnake project demonstrated single-side laser cutting for remote disassembly in confined spaces. Snakearm solutions can deliver cost reductions and efficiency improvements for nuclear decommissioning whilst improving safety by minimising the level of human intervention. Thick walled pipes, from one side 304 stainless steel plate up to 25mm thick C-Mn steel plate up to 50mm thick Concrete slab

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LaserSnake - Nuclear Decommissioning - 2

OC Robotics OC Robotics are world leaders in confined space automation - our snake-arm robots are designed specifically for remote handling operations within confined or hazardous spaces. The Explorer catalogue The Explorer range of snake-arm robots are general purpose tools which occupy the mid-range for diameter, reach, payload, curvature and precision. The catalogue shows all of the available configurations and can be downloaded from our website. Bespoke solutions Confined spaces are nearly all different. The work to be completed may involve a wide range of tools. OC Robotics delivers...

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