L3 Crestview Aerospace
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L3 Crestview Aerospace - 1

WOR LD-CLASS AER OS TR UCTUR ES AND AIR CR AFT MODIFICATIONS A S T R A T E G I C A L LY L O C A T E D F A C I L I T Y, F U L LY E Q U I P P E D F O R C O M P L E T E CUSTOMER SERVICE AND SUPPORT Machined & Sheet Metal Parts L-3 Crestview Aerospace (L-3 CA) is located on approximately 100 acres of companyowned property, with 553,000 square feet of manuf a c t u r i n g , h a n g a r a n d a d m i n i s t r a t i v e facilities. L-3 CA has direct access to the Bob Sikes Airport in Crestview, Florida — a selfsufficient general aviation facility with an 8,000-foot runway and instrument landing system that allow L-3 CA to easily accommodate manufacturing and Maintenance, Repair, Overhaul & Upgrade (MRO&U) for a wide variety of military and civilian aircraft. Minor & Major Aerostructures In addition to the existing facilities, L-3 CA owns 55 acres of adjacent land that is available for future facility expansion and has agreements with the airport to utilize airportowned land for future business expansion. Hangar Mods Process Shop and Welding Centralized Further Warehouse Expansion Further Expansion Site for Planned 85Ksq.-ft. Hangar Assembly Production Machine Shop Assembly Production 100 company-owned acres 45 acres developed 553,000 sq. ft. of buildings Administration Building L-3 Crestview Aerospace facilities site map Use of U.S. DoD imagery does not imply or constitute DoD endorsement. L-3 CA is one of Northwest Florida’s largest manufacturing employers, with approximately 1,000 employees. Located in close proximity to Eglin Air Force Base, as well as Duke and Hurlburt Fields, Naval Air Stations Pensacola and Whiting Field, Navy Support Activity Panama City, and Ft. Rucker U.S. Army Aviation Center of Excellence, L-3 CA enjoys established working relationships with all of these military installations. O U R C U S TO M ER C O M M I TM EN T Overall “BEST VALUE” solution Quick-reaction capabilities Exceptional quality Consistent on-time deliver y performance Flexible workforce Competitive rates World-class engineering and tooling design capabilities • Facilities for on-site DCMA support • Facilities and space to grow and expand • Strong community support • • • • • • • F i x e d -W i n g M R O & U a n d Center Wing Box Replacement For more information, please contact: Crestview Aerospace Business Development Tel: 850.331.4448 Email: cew.businessdev@L-3com.com L-3 Crestview Aerospace 5486 Fairchild Road Crestview, FL 32539-8155 Main Tel: 850.331.4268 www.L-3com.com/Crestview This brochure consists of L-3 Communications Corporation general capabilities information that does not contain controlled technical data as defined within the International Traffic in Arms (ITAR) Part 120.10 or Export Administration Regulations (EAR) Part 734.7-11. All brand names and product names referenced are trademarks, registered trademarks, or trade names of their respective holders. 5/1

Katalog auf Seite 1 öffnen
L3 Crestview Aerospace - 2

TOOL DESIGN & FABRICATION AIRCRAFT MODIFICATION Q UALITY CE RTIFICATIO NS & CUSTO M E R RATING S • Committed to customer satisfaction, quality excellence and continuous improvement – AS 9100 certification since March 2006 Specialized production tooling • October 2011 certified to Revisio n C – National Aerospace and Defense Contractors Accreditation Program (NADCAP) certified — all special processes • DCMA representatives on-site • Quality status with our prime contractors – Lockheed Martin Star Supplier C-130 center wing box removal and replacement UH-1Y cabin – ready to ship – Bell...

Katalog auf Seite 2 öffnen
L3 Crestview Aerospace - 3

TOOL DESIGN & FABRICATION AIRCRAFT MODIFICATION Q UALITY CE RTIFICATIO NS & CUSTO M E R RATING S • Committed to customer satisfaction, quality excellence and continuous improvement – AS 9100 certification since March 2006 Specialized production tooling • October 2011 certified to Revisio n C – National Aerospace and Defense Contractors Accreditation Program (NADCAP) certified — all special processes • DCMA representatives on-site • Quality status with our prime contractors – Lockheed Martin Star Supplier UH-1Y cabin – ready to ship C-130 center wing box removal and replacement – Bell...

Katalog auf Seite 3 öffnen
L3 Crestview Aerospace - 4

TOOL DESIGN & FABRICATION AIRCRAFT MODIFICATION Q UALITY CE RTIFICATIO NS & CUSTO M E R RATING S • Committed to customer satisfaction, quality excellence and continuous improvement – AS 9100 certification since March 2006 Specialized production tooling • October 2011 certified to Revisio n C – National Aerospace and Defense Contractors Accreditation Program (NADCAP) certified — all special processes • DCMA representatives on-site • Quality status with our prime contractors – Lockheed Martin Star Supplier UH-1Y cabin – ready to ship C-130 center wing box removal and replacement – Bell...

Katalog auf Seite 4 öffnen
L3 Crestview Aerospace - 5

WOR LD-CLASS AER OS TR UCTUR ES AND AIR CR AFT MODIFICATIONS A S T R A T E G I C A L LY L O C A T E D F A C I L I T Y, F U L LY E Q U I P P E D F O R C O M P L E T E CUSTOMER SERVICE AND SUPPORT Machined & Sheet Metal Parts L-3 Crestview Aerospace (L-3 CA) is located on approximately 100 acres of companyowned property, with 553,000 square feet of manuf a c t u r i n g , h a n g a r a n d a d m i n i s t r a t i v e facilities. L-3 CA has direct access to the Bob Sikes Airport in Crestview, Florida — a selfsufficient general aviation facility with an 8,000-foot runway and instrument landing...

Katalog auf Seite 5 öffnen
L3 Crestview Aerospace - 6

WOR LD-CLASS AER OS TR UCTUR ES AND AIR CR AFT MODIFICATIONS A S T R A T E G I C A L LY L O C A T E D F A C I L I T Y, F U L LY E Q U I P P E D F O R C O M P L E T E CUSTOMER SERVICE AND SUPPORT Machined & Sheet Metal Parts L-3 Crestview Aerospace (L-3 CA) is located on approximately 100 acres of companyowned property, with 553,000 square feet of manuf a c t u r i n g , h a n g a r a n d a d m i n i s t r a t i v e facilities. L-3 CA has direct access to the Bob Sikes Airport in Crestview, Florida — a selfsufficient general aviation facility with an 8,000-foot runway and instrument landing...

Katalog auf Seite 6 öffnen

Alle Kataloge und technischen Broschüren von L3 Technologies

  1. TCAS 3000SPTM

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  2. PANTHR™

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  3. EFI-650

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  4. FA2100 SERIES

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  5. ESI 500

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  6. AFIRS ™ 228

    2 Seiten

  7. T3CAS ®

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  8. DASU

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  9. FA5000 MADRAS

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  10. FA5001 CVDR

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  11. FA2100 CVDR

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    6 Seiten