Standards FR and UE Airlift AL70
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Standards FR and UE Airlift AL70 - 1

French/European standards to which answer: Airlift AL70 NF EN ISO 3691-1 4 December 2015 Classification index: H 96-300-1 ICS: 53.060 Industrial Trucks — Security Requirements and Verification — Part 1: Self-propelled industrial trucks, other than driverless trucks, Variable Reach Trucks and load carriers NF EN ISO 12100 December 2010 Classification index: E 09-001 European standard ICS: 13.110 Machine Safety General Design Principles Risk assessment and risk reduction NF EN 16307-5 22 June 2013 Classification index: H 96-305-5 ICS: 53.060 Industrial Trucks — Security Requirements and Verification — Part 5: Additional Requirements for pedestrian trucks NF EN 1175 July 2020 Classification index: H 96-330 ICS: 53.060 Industrial Truck Safety — Electrical/Electronic Prescr

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