GRANTA MI:Restricted Substances Package
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GRANTA MI:Restricted Substances Package - 1

GRANTA MI:Restricted Substances Package Manufacturing enterprises face restricted substance challenges at every level: from executives concerned with corporate liability to engineers making practical materials choices. You need a new way to respond. GRANTA MI™ enables best practice strategies to minimize substance risk and provides practical analytics, reporting, and decision-making tools. Manage critical information about your company's materials and processes. Combine this with comprehensive reference data on restricted substances to assess risk in your materials portfolio. Quickly identify risk in legacy products and provide guidance in design, avoiding compliance problems, delays, and cost. de-risk materials & processes The problem Every major manufacturing organization is aware of the risks associated with restricted substance use—legal liability, non-compliance costs, costly delays and re-design, potential product recalls, or inability to make or service products as materials become obsolete. Minimizing these risks is difficult because: • It's difficult and expensive to fill gaps in company knowledge, e.g., to keep up with new and updated regulations, or to gather data from suppliers. • The internal company information needed to monitor, analyze, and mitigate restricted substance risk is widely-distributed, dynamic, and disorganized. • Materials, processes, and specifications are the source of most restricted substances issues; few systems can manage materials information. • The Bills of Materials describing products are in diverse formats and not linked to data or tools that facilitate risk analysis, reporting, or declarations. GRANTA MI, from the materials information technology leaders, can help... GRRNTR Mi Key benefits • Avoid business risk due to restricted substance regulations such as REACH—multi-million dollar costs, delays, and reputational damage • Base decisions on robust data about the materials and specifications that drive use of restricted substances • Analyze both legacy products and designs • Consider compliance during design, where change costs least for most impact Case studies Boeing and Rolls-Royce case studies are available on the Granta website. Referring to the complex set of linked information required for restricted substance risk assessment, Peter Mezey of Boeing said: "for the first time, we have the linkage all in one place."

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GRANTA MI:Restricted Substances Package - 2

The MI:Restricted Substances Solution Fill knowledge gaps, fast, with unique reference information Our unrivalled, regularly-updated knowledge-base covers: thousands of restricted substances; 100+ international legislations, regulations, lists, and Standards; property data on the full range of engineering materials; and specialist information on coatings. Materials are linked to substances that they contain. Substances are linked to related legislation. This enables queries like: “Which materials will this regulation impact?” Keep up-to-date and fill knowledge gaps, e.g., to assess risk...

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