Geo-RelNAV™ Relative Navigation System
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Geo-RelNAV™    Relative Navigation System - 1

Geodetics is an Advanced Sensing and Navigation Company Based in the USA Geo-RelNAV™ Relative Navigation System GEO-RELNAV® IS A UNIQUE GPS/IMU BASED NAVIGATION SYSTEM THAT PROVIDES RELATIVE NAVIGATION INFORMATION BETWEEN MOVING PLATFORMS. The relative navigation information computed by Geo-RelNAV includes relative position, relative velocity (closure rate), and relative orientation. The system natively provides relative navigation solutions in different non-inertial reference frames, including body-frame, local navigation frame (wander-azimuth) and earth-fixed frame, as well as transferring the solution to arbitrary points of interest on the platforms. Key Features • Minimized sensor size and weight to meet payload restrictions • Available with different classes of IMU's to support a wide range of application requirements • On-board data logging of all sensor raw and navigation solution data • The relative navigation can be provided between one leader and multiple followers • Aerial refueling applications: Probe-Drogue and Boom system • The system can be upgraded to vision-aided navigation for operations in GPS-denied conditions Applications • Autonomous Aerial Refueling • Autonomous Landing Systems • Autonomous Platooning (V2V - Vehicle to Vehicle) • Sense & Avoid • UxV Collision Avoidance and Swarming • UxV Leader/Follower Formations • Situational Awareness O 2649 Ariane Drive San Diego, CA 92117 ^ (858)729-08728851 P

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Geo-RelNAV™    Relative Navigation System - 2

Relative Navigation Accuracy * Technical Specifications Parameter

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Alle Kataloge und technischen Broschüren von Geodetics

  1. Geo-RelNAV TM

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  2. Geo-PNT

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  3. Geo-MMS

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  4. Geo-hNAV®

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