
Active Inceptor Systems Pilot controls for commercial aircraft
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What are Inceptor Systems? Inceptors are the controls that pilots use to direct and maneuver the aircraft. They are flight critical. Commonly referred to as “sticks,” inceptors cover a variety of pilot controls on fixed- and rotary-wing platforms including side sticks, center sticks, throttles, cyclics, and collectives. In an active inceptor system, two inceptors can be electronically coupled as if they were mechanically linked. Dual-pilot aircraft can thus benefit from the additional feel and cueing capabilities without the weight and throughlife cost penalties of actual mechanical...
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Active Inceptor Systems technology The next step in the evolution of commercial flight controls is the introduction of active pilot controls. These systems are already used in military aircraft, replacing traditional, passive pilot controls. Active inceptors provide force feedback directly into the pilot's hand, in real time. This force feedback, or tactile feedback, may take the form of various pilot cues — such as variable gradients, force breakouts, detents, ramps, gates, and soft stops — to warn of mode engagements or impending flight envelope limits. Benefits • Reduced through-life...
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